Phone Friday:

Wooden spoons.
Reuben's sister, Amanda, gave me these lovely wooden spoons for Christmas. They are going to make excellent food props.

Hand embroidered tea towels.
Look at the lovey tea towels that Reuben's other sister, Bree, made for me. The embroidery is impeccable.

Dried figs.
Dried figs are nice. I'll tell you what I made with them in an upcoming post...

Helen likes to wear my pink-and-green Christmas socks. With pink heels, of course.

Winter Sunrise
Winter can be so bleak, but the sunrises are glorious.

Last Saturday was my birthday! I turned 25. I still feel like a kid. We ate mac and cheese with bacon for lunch and had ice cream for dessert. It was a good day.

Birthday Bowl
Reuben bought me this bowl for my birthday. I love it to pieces. He knows me well.

I get ridiculously excited about cheerios (these are actually Cascadian Farms' version of cheerios).

Emergency snack: a spoonful of peanut butter with (dark) chocolate chips poked in. A glass of cold milk is not optional.

Carbonara. It's a glorious thing. And so quick and easy. I've used Pioneer Woman's recipe before, but now I just wing it.

How are y'all surviving the winter? Any tips to keep from pining for spring?

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