Homemade Frappuccino Recipe

This post was originally published on February 16, 2012 on Cooking for Seven.  A reader recently requested this recipe, so I thought I should share it here on Buttered Side Up!

Skiing is my favorite winter sport. Feeling the snow swish beneath my feet as I slide down the “mountain” (in Minnesota, the closest things we have to mountains are very large hills).
It’s always fun to plan out our lunches for skiing, trying to come up with something special and delicious. A few weeks ago, I decided that Frappuccinos would be a lovely treat. Creamy coffee drinks are my favorite.
Thus I purchased a pack of bottled Frappuccions. The words “low-fat” on the bottle disturbed me a bit, but I was sure they would be yummy anyhow. Alas, not so. We found them to be overly sweet and thin.  We dumped in some cream and they were improved immensely. But I was sure I could make something better myself.

Sure enough, I was able to produce something rich and creamy with much better flavor and less sweetener. That’s the beauty of making it yourself – you can customize it to your own personal tastes!
Here is my method for making your own creamy bottled frappiccino drink at home. Don’t think of it as a recipe as it’s meant to be highly customizable. I like my coffee fairly strong, so keep that in mind.

Homemade Frappiccinos Recipe 
Printable Page | Makes 1 serving
  • 1/2 cup espresso or strongly brewed coffee
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons whole milk (none of this low-fat stuff)
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream (oh yeah)
  • 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons pure maple syrup (more to taste)
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Brew your espresso or coffee and place in the refrigerator until cold, about an hour or so. Add the remaining ingredients and stir or shake well (if using a bottle). Taste and adjust the ratio of milk, syrup, etc. Keep going until you love it. Enjoy!
This should keep in the refrigerator for a few days. I haven’t experimented with keeping it longer!

PS: This was the fourth photo I posted on Instagram. I liked it so much I included it in my blog post. :)

Note: some links are affiliate. All opinions are my own.

1 comment

  1. Hope you enjoy! I need to make a batch for myself as well. :)
