Phone Friday: Over the Holidays...

It's been a little while since I've done a Phone Friday Post, so I thought it was high time I updated y'all on what's been going on in my life, food and otherwise...

Egg on Rice
My go-to lunch for the past few months has been (what I call) Egg on Rice. I really like it with butter, kimchi, ginger, frozen peas, a fried egg and some sort of meat. So so good and satisfying.

Homemade Sushi
We made sushi! My sister decided to host a sushi making party. I must admit that I was a bit skeptical about it working out, but it was delicious.

I had the best tasting coffee shop breve ever (and it came with pretty art). You see, I usually don't like coffee from a shop as much as homemade, but this breve from a local establishment was very good and didn't taste fakey.

My little sister bought me a set of phone lenses for Christmas. It's been really fun playing around with them, especially the macro lens.

CHOCOLATE HAUL! I was hoping that I would get chocolate for Christmas, and my family did not disappoint.

And I leave with my sad attempt at hand lettering. That should be a goal of mine this year: get better at hand lettering (or painting in general).

Inspiration from Upper Hand Lettering and quote from Pinterest.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that 2015 will be an awesome year!



  1. I'm a huge fan of egg on rice meals! I love brown rice with lightly sautéed asparagus slivers and frozen green peas with a poached egg. I've found that I can take it for lunch even. I heat up the poached egg in a cup of HOT water for a minute or two at lunch and it's perfect!

    1. Ah, asparagus sounds delicious. I have yet to master poached eggs. That's brilliant to heat it in hot water - I'll have to tell my sister about that. She's looking for lunch ideas. :)
