Hot Chocolate

{This post was originally published on February 1, 2011 on Cooking for Seven. This is a mighty fine cup of chocolate, my friends.}

Homemade Hot Chocolate | Buttered Side Up

Yesterday, I had a completely new experience: homemade hot chocolate. Not the kind made with cocoa powder and sugar. No. The Kind made with REAL chocolate.
Oh my. It was like drinking chocolate pudding; it was so rich I couldn’t finish it in one sitting!

Homemade Hot Chocolate | Buttered Side Up

Notes: I used maple syrup for the added sweetener and bittersweet chocolate chips for the chocolate. I also added a bit of cream to the milk. Perhaps next time I will use only milk as it was so rich.

Homemade Hot Chocolate

A decadent, dessert quality drink.

Adapted from Elise Bauer | Printable Page

Serves 4

For the Hot Chocolate:
3 1/2 cups whole milk,
1/2 cup heavy cream,
8 ounces chocolate, preferably dark,
3 tablespoons maple syrup or natural sweetener of choice,
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract.
1/8 teaspoon salt,
For the Maple Whipped Cream:
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream,
2 teaspoons pure maple syrup (more if you like a sweeter whipped cream),
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


For the Hot Chocolate:
1) Chop the chocolate very finely.
2) In a medium saucepan, bring the milk and cream to a low simmer over medium heat, whisking occasionally.
3) Add the chocolate, maple syrup, vanilla, and salt. Whisk vigorously until all of the chocolate has melted. Cook for an additional 4 minutes, whisking constantly.
4) Serve with maple whipped cream (recipe follows) if desired.

For the Maple Whipped Cream:
Place all ingredients in a large bowl and beat until stiff.

Homemade Hot Chocolate | Buttered Side Up


  1. Perfect for January! I make our own hot chocolate, using baking cocoa, and add a touch of cinnamon. Thanks for a new recipe to try.

    1. Oh, I really need to try cinnamon in my cocoa again. I tried it once, but I didn't put enough in to taste it. :)

  2. Oh... obviously it will be very rich, sweet and creamy. I think I will like it very much. But also thinking to have some extra flavor, maybe a little bitter taste. So thinking to sprinkle some coffee powder on top. :)

    1. Coffee sounds like a lovely addition! Mmmm...I'm thinking espresso whipped cream would be delightful. :)
