Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips

Homemade Tortilla Chips

Tortilla chips are one of those things that's really hard to find a truly healthy version of in stores. Even if they're made with organic corn, they're nearly always made with a polyunsaturated fat. What's a chip lovin' girl to do? Deep fried chips are delicious, but it's way too much work to heat up the oil and grease up your kitchen on a regular basis. 

My grandma is a big fan of The Food Network. A while back when I was visiting her we sat down to watch some cooking shows. Giada was on, and she made baked tortilla chips. It looked ridiculously easy. I tried it, and it was (ridiculously easy).

Here's the super simple process:

Homemade Tortilla Chips
Everything you'll need: Tortillas, coconut oil and salt. That's it!

Homemade Tortilla Chips
Brush both sides of the tortillas evenly with the oil.

Homemade Tortilla Chips
Cut into triangles.

Homemade Tortilla Chips
Arrange on a baking sheet.

Homemade Tortilla Chips
Bake until golden and crispy. And you're done!

Homemade Tortilla Chips
These chips are (of course) best eaten fresh, so I like to make them in small batches.

Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips
recipe from Giada | makes about 2 servings


Preheat your oven to 350 F (175 C) 

Brush each side of the tortillas evenly with the melted coconut oil. Cut into triangles with a big knife. Arrange on a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt.

Bake in preheated oven until golden and crispy, about 15-17 minutes (you might want to start checking the tortillas at the 12 minute mark). Cool completely and store in an airtight container.

Homemade Tortilla Chips

Note: Some links are affiliate. All opinions are my own and I would never share a product with you guys that I haven't already tested unless otherwise stated.


  1. Oh Yum! I wish we had proper tortillas like you get in the states over here! Oh Cry :(

  2. Oh, this looks beyond delicious. I cannot wait to try this recipe.


  3. I love homemade tortilla chips! Your baked version look perfect!

  4. Hi Erica,

    This is so easy and looks so yummy! I always wanted to make tortilla chips at home. So thanks for sharing.

  5. Their is nothing better than homemade tortilla chips! So good. I haven't tried them with coconut oil, but I will have to do that. Thanks for the idea. Pinned :)

  6. OMG, I love this, I always want to make my own.

  7. Thank you for submitting to YG - we, the new co-owners, are excited to refurbish and redesign the entire site which should be completed in just a few weeks. Meanwhile, today is National Tortilla Chip Day and we will be sharing this post over on our FB page sometime today! Thanks and please keep submitting! Kelli and Holli
