Homemade Peppermint Hot Chocolate

This was originally posted on Cooking for Seven on December 12, 2012. Enjoy!

Peppermint Hot Chocolate
For some reason, I have been averse to pairing mint with chocolate my whole life. Whenever someone would order a mint mocha or mint chocolate chip ice cream I would inwardly shake my head in wonderment. Why ruin perfectly good chocolate with mint?

Peppermint Hot Chocolate
But I heard people raving about the peppermint hot chocolate at Starbucks. Could I be wrong in my presumption? I decided to give this mint-and-chocolate thing a try.
Am I ever glad I did. The fresh, strong flavor of peppermint lightens the rich, heavy hot chocolate perfectly. Which means you can drink more of this scrumptious beverage without feeling overwhelmed by the creaminess.

Recipe Notes
  • The original recipe suggests chopping your chocolate, but I just used chocolate chips and they melted perfectly.
  • The OR also directs you to bring the milk/cream to a boil and add it to the chocolate. I just put it all in a pot and let it melt together. Worked wonderfully!
  • The peppermint flavor that I used left little grease puddles at the top of my hot chocolate. If you’re a purist, go for a non oil-based flavoring.
  • I added a few drops of the peppermint flavoring to the whipped cream just for kicks. I highly recommend it.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate | adapted from Bon Appetit | makes 4 servings | PRINTABLE PAGE

  • 1 cup chilled heavy whipping cream, divided
  • 1 teaspoon + 2 tablespoons sugar or sweetener of choice
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate chips or chocolate bar, chopped
  • 1/4-1/2 teaspoon peppermint flavor
  • candy canes, for garnish
1) Place 1/2 cup cream, 2 tablespoons sugar, the milk and chocolate in a small, heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the chocolate has completely melted and is smooth. Remove from heat and stir in the peppermint flavor.
2) In a small bowl, beat the remaining 1/2 cup chilled cream with a few drops of peppermint flavor (optional) until soft peaks form.
3) Serve the hot chocolate with whipped cream and a sprinkling of crushed candy canes. Enjoy!


  1. Peppermint hot chocolate is the best! I will be sure to try your recipe. Oh, and this makes me miss my Anthropologie cup. I had the exact same one, but broke it on my blender blade when washing them. Haha, at least you know the blade is good.

  2. Nathan Zakheim- criminal, cultist, violent extremist, child molester

    A man by the calling of Nathan Zakheim, who resides in Los Angeles, California, and works as an art collector, has a very sordid dark history involved in numerous cult activities. He has also engaged in crime in this regard, as well as violence and extremism.

    He also openly supports a group of child molesting criminals called The Hare Krishna Cult.

    He apparently runs his art collection/restoration business with his wife and two children.

    Business Address:
    P.O. Box 11929
    960 N La Brea Avenue
    Marina Del Rey, California 90295

    His email: zakheim@earthlink.net
    His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naara.vishwakarma
    His LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/nathan-zakheim/26/965/235

    His wife Rupa Manjari Zakheim's email: roupamanjaridevidasi@gmail.com
    Her Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoupaManjaridevidasi
    Her LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/rupa-manjari-devi-dasi/26/964/57a
    Her Freelancer profile: http://www.freelancer.com.jm/u/RupaZakheim.html

    His son Kuva Zakheim's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuva108
    His daughter Shakuntala's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shakuntala.zakheim.7

    This message is a warning to all present or future business associates/partners of Nathan Zakheim. I want you to be aware of his sordid past history and what a sick and dangerous individual this man is.

  3. Try adding a small scoop of peppermint ice cream to your very hot chocolate. It is amazing!
