How to Eat a Grapefruit

How to Eat a Grapefruit
How to Eat a Grapefruit
How to Eat a Grapefruit
How to Eat a Grapefruit
How to Eat a Grapefruit

I have enjoyed a good grapefruit for as long as I can remember. The way my Dad taught me to eat it was to slice it in half, run a knife around each section, sprinkle it with sugar and scoop out the juicy innards with a spoon. It's a great, clean way to eat a grapefruit, but it's torture to work for each bite.

When I was eating lunch at my sister's, I noticed that she cut up her grapefruit like we do an orange. It inspired me to give it a try. It's so wonderful to be able to gobble down a bowl full of grapefruit without waiting between every bite.

I'm sure there are countless ways to eat a grapefruit, but this is the one that works best for me. And since I know it's sometimes easier to learn a new skill by watching than by reading, I made a video for you.

And for those that learn better by reading, here are the instructions:

1) Peel the grapefruit like you would an orange.
2) Tear off a section (again, like an orange). Slide a knife under the tough outer skin, then use your finger to pull out the soft, juicy insides.
3) Put the flesh into a bowl and discard the tough skins. Repeat with the remaining sections. Enjoy!

How do YOU like to eat a grapefruit?


  1. I like to scoop it out with a spoon after cutting it in half - the old fashioned way. But when I put them in a salad etc. I like to use Martha Stewart's procedure. Omigosh! It is so much easier than what you have shown in your video. You should check it out.

    1. I haven't see Martha Stewart's method! Do you have a link? I couldn't seem to find it. :)

  2. Hi Erica ~ I too was interested in finding an easy way to cut up a grapefruit, as my way was too slow. I found the Martha Stewart video, and it's great. I'm not sure why the website isn't hers, but it takes you right to her video.>videos>E
    Laurie in southern california :)

  3. I'm a sucker for the old school way of eating grapefruit. Reminds me of my dad cutting it up for me when I was little :)

  4. You can trim some time off of this method by slicing the top of the grapefruit to make a flat surface to rest and cutting the tough skin off like you would the rinds of a cantaloupe. After the hard outside is cut away, take the grapefruit apart, peel the tissue-y skin and remove seeds as you show in your video. I love eating grapefruit like this! :)

  5. I do the scoop our method with the spoon, but this is a good way, too:

  6. This is exactly how I eat grapefruit! I thought I was the only one who did this. Great to see I am in great company!

  7. I'm with you and Jen. I love to section all my grapefruit into a bowl and savor it all at once.
