Chicken and Biscuit Pot Pie

Chicken and Biscuits Pot Pie - Buttered Side Up 09
Chicken and Biscuits Pot Pie - Buttered Side Up 07
Chicken and Biscuits Pot Pie - Buttered Side Up 08
Chicken and Biscuits Pot Pie - Buttered Side Up 06
Chicken and Biscuits Pot Pie - Buttered Side Up 03
I have the hardest time coming up with Things to Make for Supper. It's not like it's actually hard to make tasty dinners; but I usually wait until Helen's second nap (around 2:30) to even begin to contemplate supper, and by that time it's pretty much too late to take any meat out of the freezer. Then Helen wakes up and I need to feed her, change her diaper and get her in a good mood so she doesn't scream at me while I'm chopping vegetables. And it's 4:30 and I'm wracking my brain for something to make.

Enough was enough. I decided to start A Planned Menu.

I consulted with Reuben and came up with 2 week rotating menu. Somehow just knowing what I need to cook makes me get it done. I know to plan ahead and buy the food I need for the week and take meat out of the freezer the night before. So far I'm loving it.

This chicken pot pie is one of my favorite suppers on the rotation. It's delicious and so so easy. You needn't fuss over a pie crust: the carbs come in the form of easy-peasy drop biscuits. 

Confession: I dislike cutting butter into flour. It feels like so much work, slicing the butter into small pieces and working it into the flour with a pastry cutter. So I cheated with these biscuits: I melted the butter and added it to the flour along with the sour cream. I really couldn't tell the difference!

Do you ever cheat in the kitchen to make your life easier?

PS: Let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing my two-week-rotating-menu.

Easy Chicken Pot Pie with Sour Cream Biscuits
adapted from Ellie Krieger | makes 6 servings | PRINTABLE PAGE


For the filling:
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/4 of a medium onion (more if desired), chopped fine
  • 2 carrots, peeled and sliced thin
  • 2 stalks of celery, sliced thin
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced or chopped fine
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 1/2 cups liquid (I used 1/2 cup cream and 2 cups chicken broth, but you can use a combination of milk and any broth you wish)
  • 4 cups cooked chicken
  • 2 cups frozen peas

For the biscuits:
  • 1/2 cup sprouted spelt flour
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup sour cream


For the filling:
1) In a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Once it's nice and hot, add the onion and cook until softened and transparent. Add the carrots and celery and cover; cook until tender. Add the garlic, salt and pepper to taste and thyme and cook for 2 minutes. Whisk in the flour and cook for an additional 2 minutes.
2) Slowly add the broth and milk or cream, whisking constantly. Bring to a boil. Add the chicken and peas. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Pour into a baking dish (mine was 7" x 9" but you could use a square pan as well).

For the biscuits:
1) Meanwhile, as the filling is coming to a boil, preheat your oven to 375 degrees F (190 C).
2) In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add the melted butter and sour cream and mix just until combined. 
3) Scoop the biscuits over the prepared filling in 6 large lumps. Bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the filling is bubbly and the biscuits are golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.


  1. Erica, I am a new reader -- sent over from Alicia Paulson's Posie blog -- and I'd love to see your rotation schedule. I am a single woman, no family to cook for, just a slightly spoiled German shepherd boy, but I like a hot lunch every day so I plan a casserole on the weekends to take for my lunches at my desk during the week. Love your chicken and biscuit pot pie. I will try that for next week's lunches! Thanks. --Dogmom

    1. I think that it's even harder to cook consistently when you're on your own - my lunches are pretty pitiful simply because I eat all by myself. I should really change that, especially when Helen starts to eat more food. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  2. Erica could I use all-purpose or whole wheat instead of the flour you recommended? Thanks!

    1. Yes, definitely! I have used whole wheat flour before. :)

  3. Yay! I'm glad I'm not the only one. :) Wow, I can't imagine working full time AND making dinners consistently. You go! But I totally agree - eating at home feels much better than eating out all the time.

  4. This sounds lovely. And yes, would be interested to see the menu -could always use some inspiration!! Bea

    1. I'm working on taking photos of our suppers - it may take a few rotations before I can get the ones I want. :)

  5. Looks so GOOD. I adore anything gravy-like with biscuit-like on top.

    I had to practically learn a different way to cook when my babies were born! I learned to make recipes in stages that would tolerate interruptions. Now that my kids are in school, I still often cook this way - and they still often interrupt supper prep! Here's how I plan supper menus:

    Add me to the list who would like to see your 2-week rotation. I'm always curious to see how others keep house.

    1. Great tips! I wish I was better about stocking my pantry - I have an anti-hoarder mentality, so I'm often out of things. I should learn to stock up!

  6. Believe me, first opportunity to quit working full time, and I will. :P But it has forced me to become super organized, which is a good thing.

  7. This is my favorite kind of comfort food! Gorgeous shots with the steaminess!

  8. I usually use my food processor for cutting in butter but then, you have to wash the darned thing and that is a beast! Your method is so much easier, I'm definitely going to give that a whirl.

  9. I would love to see your two week menu. I have been thinking about making a food plan for a while now. I am an "empty nester" and we moved two years ago from our large suburban home to a smaller home in a walkable neighborhood. Now we tend to shop almost every day ( grocery store just a five minute bike ride from our house) or go out to one of the amazing restaurants in our neighborhood. I need to plan ahead a little more.

  10. I vote for a viewing of the menu. :)

    I'd like to try this recipe sometime, too.

  11. I also hate dealing with butter and flour. Discovering that I could make doughs in the food processor changed my life! You just mix all of the dry ingredients in the food processor, add the butter, and does all of the work for you! For pie crusts, you can even add your liquid ingredients and the dough comes together in a nice ball!

  12. It looks so good and I'm definitely going to make this soon! I would also like to see your menu plan. Our big meal is lunch. My husband has been able to come home for lunch since we got married 7 yrs ago. It's just us two, but I don't have much time to plan since it's lunch!

    1. Oh...and since it's just the two of us I have never really made a menu, but I have started doing it because it's so much easier!

  13. I hate butter-cutting too. I freeze it and grate it into my flour with a cheese-grater for biscuits and pie crust. Super fast and easy!

  14. I just made this and it came out UNBELIEVABLE! The biscuits are angel-fluffy with a sweet crumble to them and oh my goodness the broth is PERFECT (used 2 cups organic chicken broth and 1/2 cup skim milk). This reminds me of Marie Callendar's but without all of the preservatives. LOVE it, Erica! Thank you for sharing!

  15. I made this in a pinch as a soup in about 20 mins without the biscuits! Had to add a little more liquid (used a little half and half and the rest chicken broth) and it was divine. Can't wait to try the leftovers with biscuits!
