Blackberry Cobbler Bars

Blackberry Cobbler Bars
Blackberry Cobbler Bars
Blackberry Cobbler Bars
Blackberry Cobbler Bars
Blackberry Cobbler Bars
TK Blog Blackberry Cobbler Bars 36
I'm having trouble describing these bars. "Yummy. Really yummy," is all that comes to mind. The cookie-like crust, soft center and hint of orange flavor work together to make an irresistibly delicious dessert.

I wish I had a piece right now, still slightly warm, with a scoop of good vanilla ice cream on top.

Make sure to visit the Tasty Kitchen Blog to get my step-by-step photos and the recipe.


  1. They look delicious, I'd love one still warm from the oven, yum!

  2. Those bars look amazing! Your photos are always so beautiful!
