Blood Orange Lemonade + The Winner

Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up
Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up
Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up
Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up
Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up
Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up
Blood Orange Lemonade | Buttered Side Up

I must admit that I don't really care for blood oranges. We picked up a bag at the supermarket and were very disappointed at the taste. Maybe we got a bad batch, but I was quite underwhelmed. 
And so I decided to juice them and turn them into a delicious drink. I also had some lemon juice leftover from making lemon curd, so I had the brilliant idea of combining them. A quick search on Pinterest (does anyone else use Pinterest like Google?) revealed that it was already a thing. I settled on a reliable-looking recipe and got crack-a-lackin'. 
Reuben loved the juice. I had to limit how much he drank so I would have enough to take pictures the next day.

And so something mediocre was rescued and turned into a yummy beverage.

This juice is quite intense: it kind of tastes like a grown-up Kool-Aid. You can use sparkling water in place of the water for a more punch-like effect, or you can add more water to make it less biting/sweet. Whatever you fancy!

NOTE: I didn't have full cup of lemon juice, so I reduced the amount of sugar to compensate and used a bit less water. You can always taste and adjust the sweetness if need be!

Blood Orange Lemonade
recipe from food network | makes about 4 servings | printable page


For the Simple Syrup:
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
For the Juice:
  • 1 cup blood orange juice
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 3 cups water (sparkling or regular)


For the syrup:
In a small saucepan, heat the sugar and water until the sugar has completely dissolved, about 5 minutes. Set aside.

To assemble:
Pour the juices and water into a pitcher. Add the syrup and stir to combine. Refrigerate into well chilled. Serve over ice, if desired.

And Now For the Winner of the Sucre Macarons! 

I asked y'all to tell me what dessert you were wishing for to enter the giveaway. Seriously, you guys have some awesome cravings.

Using, I selected a winner. And that person is...

Commented #69: Erica (hey, hey!) who was craving chocolate with caramel. Nom nom. 

I have emailed Erica with details.

Thank you to all who entered the giveaway.
Have a lovely day!


  1. Blood oranges are my fave this time of year. I love the stained finger tips!

  2. Nom! I have a couple of the singing their last tune so this will be made :) Oh, I love those Carter's PJ's Helen is wearing, Malva get's the one sent over from the states every Christmas by my aunt who lives in San Diego, they're the comfiest things ever!

  3. Oh, I love blood oranges. They are a little tarter though, so maybe that is what you experienced. In fact, now I am craving them so perhaps I should stop by the supermarket on the way home.

    And yes, I definitely use Pinterest like Google. What can I say? The results never fail to impress!

  4. in my place, blood orange a little hard to find, sometime I should try it

  5. Yummy beverage and GORGEOUS photos! We have a really hard time finding blood oranges at our market but this will make me search a little harder!

  6. I have been craving lemonade for a while now... you read my mind
