Grandma's Cooking School: Chocolate Crepes

This was originally posted on March 8, 2010 on Cooking for Seven. Because these lessons were such an important part of my life, I will be re-posting them here.

{Grandma’s Cooking School is my chronicles of the informal cooking lessons that my Grandma graciously decided to give us girls. Enjoy!}

Chocolate & Pudding. HOW could you go wrong with such a combination?

Grandma's Cooking School: Chocolate Crepes
Alright, I’ll admit it. When I attempted to make these chocolate crepes a month or so ago, they were a complete and utter failure. I must have let the batter sit too long – the crepes were very weak. This was a much-needed cooking lesson. 

Grandma's Cooking School: Chocolate Crepes
These crepes have been a family favorite for quite some time. They have been requested for birthdays, and are a wonderful breakfast treat.

Grandma's Cooking School: Chocolate Crepes
As you can see, with Grandma’s help, we succeeded at making crepes: Dad gave us the “thumbs up”!
Grandma advised us to keep our crepe-making secrets. Thus, I shan’t give you any recipes.
**Next Time on Grandma’s Cooking School: Roast Beef!**

Grandma's Cooking School: Chocolate Crepes

P.S. (added in 2013) -- Here's a recipe that I found online that seems quite similar to the one Grandma won't let us share. :)


  1. The title "chocolate crêpes" appealed to me and made me think of our holidays in France on the île d'Yeu a month ago. There, we found a Crêperie that made "crêpes au chocolat" a way I had never seen before: They made normal crêpes, and then let a big chunk of butter and cocoa powder melt on top of it. Can you imagine: Cocoa powder that dissolves in butter! It was so good ... especially since the crêpes were folded and then another big chunk of butter was put on top of it.
    Also: my boyfriend made chocolate crêpes for our son's second birthday. But they were more like pancakes. Very handy for little hands, though.
    Thank you for this post that evokes so many memories of food and family.

    1. Oh, you have such a way with words! You transported me to your holiday -- I so wish to travel abroad someday! And those crepes sound amazing.

  2. Grandma's always knows better and makes the yummiest food ever! Great lesson and thanks for sharing :)

    1. Yes, my grandma seems to have magical hands, turning anything she touches into something scrumptious!

  3. I literally see no point in endless photos of your cooking lesson and food then at the end say 'sorry, no recipe'

    Honestly, why?

    1. I like sharing photos of our lessons - they make me happy. :) AND I included a link to a recipe that is VERY similar to the crepes we made. :)

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  5. Your photo looks so festive! A perfect treat for Christmas morning!
