Wordless Wednesday: Tea + English Muffin

Tea + English Muffin

Blueberry Lemon Drizzle Bread

Lemon Blueberry Bread 
Lemon Blueberry Bread

“You should never make cake again – when you want to make cake, you should make this instead. It’s way better,” Reuben informed me after gobbling down a slice or two of this bread.
“I’ll take TWO pieces,” he requested as I buttered a slice to put in his work lunch the next day. I smiled and happily obliged.

Head on over to the Good Life Eats blog to see my guest post and get the recipe for this scrumptious quick bread HERE.

Homemade Spices & Seasonings: Sweet Italian Sausage

With this little mix of spices you can create your own bulk Italian sausage. Perfect for pizza or any place sweet Italian sausage is called for.
:: Sweet Italian Sausage Spice Blend ::
  • 1 lb ground pork (ground beef may be substituted, but the flavor and texture will not be the same)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 3/4 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons chopped parsley
Combine the spices in a small bowl. Mix thoroughly with ground pork. Cook as directed by recipe.