Grandma’s Cooking School: Apple Strudel

This was originally posted on September 9, 2010 on Cooking for Seven. Because these lessons were such an important part of my life, I will be re-posting them here.
{Grandma’s Cooking School is my chronicles of the informal cooking lessons that my Grandma graciously decided to give us girls. Enjoy!}

Apple Strudel
Apple Strudel. A thing of beauty. Sweet apples encased in a thin, flaky dough. Delicious.

Apple Strudel
We began our lesson by reading through the recipe and preparing the apples.

Apple Strudel
Next, we mixed together two kinds of dough: a quick version and a more traditional version made with yeast. Meanwhile we cooked the apple filling.

Apple Strudel
Time to roll out the dough! It must be so thin you can see writing through it.

Apple Strudel
Then we brushed it with butter, spread it with the apple filling, and rolled it up!

Apple Strudel

Apple Strudel
Enjoyed by Dad.

Apple Strudel
Jealous yet?
I can’t believe I have come to the final lesson Grandma has shared with us. Hopefully she will continue our classes this Fall/Winter when things quiet down and we settle in for a long Minnesota winter.
Here are all of our lessons so far.

Part 1: Banana Cream Pie
Part 2: Chocolate Crepes
Part 3: Roast Beef Dinner

Part 4: Poppy Seed Torte
Part 5: Homemade Bread and Sweet Rolls

For my own interest I have included the original comments from Cooking for Seven:


  1. i’ve been waiting, waiting, waiting patiently for apple season and the prices/quality to improve before i make a strudel. being almost 100% german, i think it’s imperative i make apfelstrudel at least once in my lifetime. hopefully more. and hopefully as beautiful as your grandma’s!
    that implement you’re using to spread the apples — is that a knife or a spatula of some sort?

  2. Your strudel looks delish (as do all your dishes) and I would like to try making it. Do you have the recipe published somewhere? I couldn’t find it on your site.

  3. Beautiful! And BEAUTIFUL that you are doing this all with your Grandma. Cherish it. I lost my Grandma unexpectedly last year and I will always cherish our times together. So glad I found your blog!

  4. i’m curious (again) about the strudel: does your grandma opt against the buttered breadcrumbs and chopped walnuts? i’m planning to make one today and, unfortunately, my very German grandma doesn’t have the recipe from her childhood. any help or hints would be appreciated.
    thanks much and cheers,

  5. thanks so much for the quick response, erica lea! i’m trying my hand this afternoon — will let you know how it turns out, and if it remotely resembles yours and those i remember from my childhood!

  6. I am jealous. Honestly. I wish that I could bite right into that right now. I love your blog and your recipes.

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