Korean Shrimp and Rice Porridge (Saewoojuk)

Korean Shrimp and Rice Porridge (Saewoojuk)
Korean Shrimp and Rice Porridge (Saewoojuk)
Korean Shrimp and Rice Porridge (Saewoojuk)
Korean Shrimp and Rice Porridge (Saewoojuk)

There's nothing like getting sick to make you appreciate the things you are able to do every day. Last week Reuben fell ill with a fever, chills, headache: the whole shebang. I followed a few days later. We were so miserable and unable to do ANYTHING for days. It was all I could do to make Helen food and watch videos. I was nearly mad with boredom. All of this to say: I had a good reason for not posting for over two weeks. Sorry.

But about this porridge

I must confess that I was first attracted to this recipe because of my interest in the Korean Drama and culture. I was pretty reluctant to give Korean TV shows a try at first, but when I was desperate for entertainment after giving birth to Helen, I softened. To my surprise and characters and stories were very interesting. And all of the dramas that I have seen have been pretty clean and innocent in the romance department, especially compared to American TV shows. 

Food tends to figure fairly largely in K-Dramas - the main characters are shown enjoying various dishes. I may or may not have decided to make Ramen after watching Liar Game. And, when I saw this recipe for Saewoojuk, I was intrigued. Not ONLY because it was a Korean dish, but also because the ingredients sounded amazing. 

It was really delicious. Helen loved it. I can't wait to make more, when I can find some good shrimp to make it with. Also: Helen and I are now addicted to seaweed snacks

Also, if you've watched any K-Dramas (first of all: FRIEND!), let me know your favorites! Some of the shows I have most enjoyed have been (in no particular order): You Who Came From Another Star, Liar Game, and Pinocchio.

Linking up at Buns in My Oven.

Note: some links are affiliate. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting Buttered Side Up!

1 comment

  1. This looks very comforting. I'm glad you're feeling better! Being sick is no fun. Thanks so much for sharing at Inspire Me Wednesday. Featuring you in next week's issue.
