Cinnamon Ice Cream

Cinnamon Ice Cream
Cinnamon Ice Cream
Cinnamon Ice Cream
Cinnamon Ice Cream
Cinnamon Ice Cream
Cinnamon Ice Cream
If you're looking for a homemade ice cream that's super smooth and full of flavor, you'll definitely want to check out this recipe. I made it for Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen Blog a while back and it was published today.

Stop by and check out my step-by-step instructions

Okay, so I have a quick question for ya'll. What would you prefer to see next: a photography post or a Nutrition 101 post? 


  1. This is a delicious treat. It reminds of the cinnamon ice cream I used to get at Ray's Ice Cream in Detroit!

  2. Nutrition 101, please! Although I love it all. :)

  3. Nutrition 101 please. I can never learn enough.

  4. Yum! I've made cinnamon ice cream before and we loved it. I like to add the sugar (though I usually use honey) to the milk first though, because when I've done the sugar-yolk mixture I find it hard to whisk well enough not to cook the eggs, since it's so thick. I also steeped cinnamon sticks in the milk as well as adding ground at the end, but who knows if it made much of a difference!
    I think it's fantastic for food bloggers to talk about nutrition (at least when I think you like Weston Price like I do...) but your photography is gorgeous, too!

  5. I'm also interested in nutrition. I like to check recipes from internet on tools like before preparation.

  6. Nutrition 101, please!

  7. Perfect sweetness happening here, can't wait to take a bite!
