Whole Wheat Pasta

A couple Saturdays back, Mom decided to serve Hungarian Meatball Stew for our Sunday dinner. Then we discovered we didn’t have near enough pasta.
Oh well.
Amanda & I whipped up a batch of fresh pasta and spent Saturday afternoon rolling and cutting fettucini. We used every drying rack we could find. When those ran out we used oven racks. After we had used every available space, I coiled the pasta. I wouldn’t recommend this. The noodles stuck together. However, when you make 3 pounds of pasta to serve 17 people, things can get a little desperate. :)
Here’s the recipe I use every time to make pasta. You can cut it into any shape you wish.
:: Whole Wheat Pasta ::
Adapted from Better Homes & Gardens Pasta
  • 2 1/3 cups traditional (12 5/8 oz) or white (11 5/8 oz) whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
Hand Method
  1. In a large bowl stir together 2 cups of the flour and the salt. Make a well in the center.
  2. In a small mixing bowl, combine eggs, water and olive oil. Add the flour mixture and mix well.
  3. Sprinkle the kneading surface with remaining 1/3 cup flour. Turn dough out onto floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8-10 minutes. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Divide dough into fourths. On a lightly floured surface roll each third of dough into a 1/16 inch thick square about 12×12 inches. Cut as desired. Or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using a pasta machine to roll and cut the dough.
Mixer method
  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the flour and salt. Make a well in the center.
  2. In a small bowl, combine the eggs, water and olive oil. Add to the flour mixture. With the dough hook, mix until well combined.
  3. With the mixer running, add the remaining flour. With the mixer on low, knead until smooth and elastic, about 8-10 minutes. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Divide dough into fourths. On a lightly floured surface roll each third of dough into a 1/16 inch thick square about 12×12 inches. Cut as desired. Or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for using a pasta machine to roll and cut the dough.
Your can use this pasta immediately, or dry on racks for later use. It should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, as there are raw eggs in the dough.
Makes about 1 pound of fresh pasta.

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